Just like the Dine-in feature, the Inventory Management feature also requires registration before use.
First, you can log into your account on this store management page: https://store.analy.co/.
This feature will only be managed on the store management page.
Click on this section to enter the complete list of ingredients used in the store.
For example: Milk powder – 1 box – 500k.

This section is for configuring ingredients that increase or decrease in weight after processing.
For example: 500g of dry tapioca pearls will become 800g after cooking.

This section is for configuring ingredients that are made from multiple components.
For example: 1 liter of milk tea is made from 50g of tea, 50g of sugar, etc.
Both this step and the previous one can be skipped if they are not necessary.

At this step, the system will automatically load all the items the store is selling both online and offline. You can then configure all the ingredients and specify the exact quantity used for each item.

After configuring the entire menu, at this step, the store can view the exact cost price and the cost percentage of each item.
Additionally, you can see the total cost percentage for a specific sales channel, such as dine-in, Grab, SPF, etc.

At this step, first, click this button (Kiem Kho) to calculate the total quantity of items sold during the day.

Then, click this button to let the system automatically deduct the total amount of ingredients used based on the number of items sold.
After that, go back to the Nguyên vật liệu section to compare the remaining inventory with the actual stock.
If there is any discrepancy, you can immediately adjust the quantity by manually entering the correct amount.

And this button is for the system to generate a list of ingredients that need to be restocked, based on the difference between the initial stock and the current quantity.
If the current stock falls below 40%, the system will display a recommended list of ingredients that need to be replenished.

If you experience any inconvenience or have any unclear issues while using the system, please contact the Analy page for support.